A Party's Not a Party Without My Primos is a song from the unaired pitch pilot of Primos. It was performed by Tater Ramirez Humphrey (Myrna Velasco) to the Primos to re-invite them to her birthday party after getting upset and kicking them out. Lita helps Tater with the song by playing the guitar.
Well I said something nasty, because I really stink
But I didn't really mean it
And what I really think is when your primos come to visit there's no cons, there'll be pros
Even when it's messy, like with sloppy joes
Even when I felt just like a dog who's wearing pantyhose
I still shouldn't have told "Adios!"
And now this song is ending and there's one thing you should know!
That a party's not a party without my primos!