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"Summer of Pam" is the first segment in the fifth episode of the first season of Primos. It is also the ninth episode of the season overall and it aired on August 3, 2024 on Disney Channel.



Tater wakes up one morning to discover that she has a zit that has formed on her forehead. The zit, which becomes anthropomorphic throughout the episode, is named Penelope Amelie Mariana (or Pam for short), and Tater embraces it believing that it is a sign of maturity and womanhood. Tater proudly flaunts Pam, but when the other primos see it, they have mixed reactions. The T Sisters insist that she hide it with her hair, while LotLot wants to use makeup. Big Nacho and Nachito want to pop it, the former of whom is cursed with soft skin and can never get one, while ChaCha simply wants to touch it. Tater doesn't see a problem, but decides to hear each of them out.

The T Sisters attempt to give Tater a new haircut, but they turn out to be bad at it. LotLot tries to use makeup, but this only causes Pam to get bigger and stronger. Big Nacho and Nachito chase down Tater in an effort to pop it while ChaCha begins climbing all over her in order to touch it. Tater decides to go outside and flaunt Pam to show her maturity, but she is immediately hit by her next door neighbor, the Skid, who mocks her zit, as well as a passing stranger. Tater suddenly begins to feel self-conscious about her zit and tries to get the primos to help her, but they have gone to the movies. Saddened, Tater covers her face with a mask.

Lita arrives and asks Tater what is wrong with her and she reveals that she is afraid to show her zit. Lita reveals that she has a couple of zits under her hair and that she is proud of them. Lita tells her that she shouldn't be concerned with how she looks, but rather how she choses to present herself. Tater takes her mask off and embraces Pam once again. Later, Tater and Lita don similar protective masks and proceed to get back at the Skid by spraying him with water. Upon doing so, they learn that he too has a zit on the back of his neck and the two girls laugh in celebration.


Main Cast[]

Additional voices[]

  • Pam
  • The Skid




  • This is the second episode where the title does not have a translation.
  • Nellie appears in a cameo.


  • TBA


View Gallery
The image gallery for Summer of Pam may be viewed here.


ve List of episodes
Season 1 1. Summer of Tater • 2.Summer of Primos • 3. Summer of Quehaceres • 4. Summer of La Muñeca • 5. Summer of Los Diez • 6. Summer of Lit-Tater-Atura • 7. Summer of Herramientas • 8. Summer of La Naturaleza • 9. Summer of Pam • 10. Summer of La Trabajadora • 11. Summer of La Madriguera • 12. Summer of Los Pollos Hermanos • 13. Summer of Patín • 14. Summer of Chisme • 15. Summer of No Sabo • 16. Summer of Bookita • 17. Summer of the 13th Primo • 18. Summer of La Cuadrados • 19. Summer of Tater Luna • 20. Summer of El Chu-PAW-Cabra • 21. Summer of the Baby Races • 22. Summer of La Extraterrestre • 23. Summer of El Futuro • 24. Summer of Super No Entiendo 64 • 25. Summer of La Excavacion • 26. Summer of La Pijamada • 27. Summer of Imi-Tater • 28. Summer of Ignacio
