Disney's Primos Wiki

Can you girls be angels and bring in your primos' luggage?

"Summer of Primos" is the second segment in the first episode of the first season of Primos. It is also the second episode of the season overall and it aired on July 25, 2024 on Disney Channel.


Tater recaps that she wanted to have the summer to herself, but her overly sunny mother, Bibi, decided to invite her primos to come and stay. To make matters worse, they will all be staying in Tater and Nellie's room, meaning that Tater won't be able to have any time to herself. Nellie resigns herself to embracing their new living arrangement, but Tater wants to ensure that she will have some peace of mind. Realizing that the primos have not moved in just yet, she decides to enact a roommate agreement of some kind so that they won't bother her. Nellie in the meantime joins "Tio-Con" to get out of doing bellhop duty.

Tater creates the agreement and goes to every primo, having them sign without looking at them and being forced to carry their things upstairs, leaving them in the hallway. Just as Tater gets the last one to sign, she is confronted by all of them who are angered by the contents that basically prevent them from doing anything at all. Tater holds their luggage hostage while Gordita breaks the lock on the door (the combination was Tater's SSN) and locks Tater out of her room. Lucita is sent out to get their luggage back, but Tater overcomes her cuteness. Big Nacho reveals that they have her diary, leaving Tater devastated.

Tater sneaks into her room, via the vents, but is caught. When the primos realize that their luggage is unguarded, Tater grabs her diary, only to once again get kicked out of her room. She comes to realize that the primos did not open her diary and she is left to sulk by playing Dictators and Domains by herself. Gordita comes out and begins playing with her and is soon joined by the rest of the primos are excitedly watch. Tater finally relents on the roommate agreement and the primos reveal that they built a hovel for her in her room so that she can have alone time. When Nellie and the adults arrive and see the mess, they play another round of Dictators & Domains to decide who will clean the hall.


Main Cast[]

Additional voices[]





  • The title of the episode translates to "Summer of Cousins."
  • The board game Diplomats and Domains makes its first appearance.
    • It is a play on Dungeons & Dragons, while the gameplay sounds similar to Risk.
    • The original title was Dictators and Domains.
  • Twisty Knob Drawing is a reference to the Etch A Sketch.



The transcript from the episode may be viewed here.


View Gallery
The image gallery for Summer of Primos may be viewed here.


ve List of episodes
Season 1 1. Summer of Tater • 2.Summer of Primos • 3. Summer of Quehaceres • 4. Summer of La Muñeca • 5. Summer of Los Diez • 6. Summer of Lit-Tater-Atura • 7. Summer of Herramientas • 8. Summer of La Naturaleza • 9. Summer of Pam • 10. Summer of La Trabajadora • 11. Summer of La Madriguera • 12. Summer of Los Pollos Hermanos • 13. Summer of Patín • 14. Summer of Chisme • 15. Summer of No Sabo • 16. Summer of Bookita • 17. Summer of the 13th Primo • 18. Summer of La Cuadrados • 19. Summer of Tater Luna • 20. Summer of El Chu-PAW-Cabra • 21. Summer of the Baby Races • 22. Summer of La Extraterrestre • 23. Summer of El Futuro • 24. Summer of Super No Entiendo 64 • 25. Summer of La Excavacion • 26. Summer of La Pijamada • 27. Summer of Imi-Tater • 28. Summer of Ignacio
