“ | But this is supposed to be the summer of ME! | ” |
"Summer of Tater" is the first segment in the first episode of the first season of Primos. It is also the first episode of the season overall and it aired on July 25, 2024 on Disney Channel.
Right at the end of the school year, 10-year-old Tater Ramirez Humphrey has decided to make it her goal to change her life and make something of herself. In contrast, her younger, yet taller, sister Nellie cynically looks down on Tater's goals and ask that she be more realistic. Tater admits that she does not know what her "final form" will be like, but still believes that this summer will make major changes to herself, though Nellie thinks that their environment is too stunted to allow such a thing.
At home, Tater looks to get support from her family for what they have done for "dreams". Unfortunately, her family believes that she means literal dreams and offer things to help her sleep. When she corrects them, they unenthusiastically tell her to keep her dreams simple, justifying Nellie's comments from earlier. Tater further comes up with other ideas on what she can do, but Nellie finds flaws in her personality that would prevent her from achieving such things. They are interrupted by the arrival of the primos and go to visit them, in the hopes that it will be quick.
Nellie, who has trouble remembering the primos names, has Tater go through each of them. Tere, Tabi, and Toñita are athletic star obsessed sisters. Gordita is the science minded one, while her older brother Cousin Bud is an eco friendly nerd. ChaCha is a wild child of simple words, while Lita is the oldest and coolest. Her younger siblings are Scooter, the shy one, and Lucita the cute one. Finally Big Nacho and Nachito are the roughhousing brothers. Tater hopes that that is the end of the visit, but her mother Bibi reveals that they will be staying for the whole summer, much to Tater's shock.
Main Cast[]
- Tater Ramirez Humphrey (debut)
- Tere Ramirez (debut)
- Toñita Ramirez (debut)
- Lita Perez (debut)
- Big Nacho Ramirez (debut)
- Cousin Bud Humphrey (debut)
- Gordita Humphrey (debut)
- ChaCha Ramirez (debut)
- LotLot Ramirez (debut)
- Lucita Perez (debut)
- Nachito Ramirez (debut)
- Tabi Ramirez (debut)
- Scooter Perez (debut; no lines)
Additional voices[]
- Buela Ramirez (debut)
- Nellie Ramirez Humphrey (debut)
- Bibi Ramirez Humphrey (debut)
- Bud Humphrey (debut)
- Pop Ramirez (debut; no lines)
- Ignacio Ramirez (debut)
- Ivan Ramirez (debut)
- Gustavo Ramirez (debut)
- Diego Perez (debut)
- Big Dreams (ft. Tater and Nellie)
- This is the first episode where the title does not have a translation.
- Tater Ramirez Humphrey, Nellie Ramirez Humphrey, Bibi Ramirez Humphrey, Bud Humphrey, Buela Ramirez, Tere Ramirez, Toñita Ramirez, Lita Perez, Big Nacho Ramirez, Cousin Bud Humphrey, Gordita Humphrey, ChaCha Ramirez, LotLot Ramirez, Lucita Perez, Nachito Ramirez, Tabi Ramirez, Scooter Perez, Pop Ramirez, Ignacio Ramirez, Ivan Ramirez, Gustavo Ramirez and Diego Perez make their series debut.
- Scooter and Pop have no lines.
- Hacienda Hills makes its series debut.
- During the production delay, this episode (along with the rest of the season) was altered to keep the show from coming off as offensive and/or stereotypical.
- Before the line mentioned below, an extra line from Nellie is added explicating that they live in Los Angeles.
- Before the shot of the street, Nellie’s line “do you know where you live?” was dubbed over with “I mean, look at this place,” presumably to tie into the above-mentioned line.
- In the shot of the street
- The words “Terremoto Heights Elementary” on the other bus are replaced with “Hacienda Hills Elementary.”
- The graffiti words “Terremoto Heights” and “Crack” are replaced with “Hacienda Hills” and “Crevasse”.
- The Ice Cream truck is replaced with an Avocado Toast truck (though the truck’s jingle is left intact).
- Nellie’s line about summer literally stinking was shortened to remove the part mentioning the freeways, factories, and dumps.
- Right before Buela says “nightmares,” a line from Tater is added mentioning that she doesn’t speak Spanish, to which Buela responds with exasperation.
- The car horn was changed from La Cucaracha to a Charge-esque tune
- When the triplets are introduced, their dad’s line was changed from “Terremoto’s Finest” to “LA’s Finest”
- When Bud greets the Tios, the sign saying “Terremoto City Dump” was removed.
- Nellie’s line “That’s gotta be a nickname” was changed to “was that always her name,” going along with Lucita’s name change (while also serving as a reference to it).
- The episode continues directly into Summer of Primos.
The transcript from Summer of Tater will be viewed here.
The image gallery for Summer of Tater may be viewed here.
v • e — List of episodes — | |
1. Summer of Tater • 2.Summer of Primos • 3. Summer of Quehaceres • 4. Summer of La Muñeca • 5. Summer of Los Diez • 6. Summer of Lit-Tater-Atura • 7. Summer of Herramientas • 8. Summer of La Naturaleza • 9. Summer of Pam • 10. Summer of La Trabajadora • 11. Summer of La Madriguera • 12. Summer of Los Pollos Hermanos • 13. Summer of Patín • 14. Summer of Chisme • 15. Summer of No Sabo • 16. Summer of Bookita • 17. Summer of the 13th Primo • 18. Summer of La Cuadrados • 19. Summer of Tater Luna • 20. Summer of El Chu-PAW-Cabra • 21. Summer of the Baby Races • 22. Summer of La Extraterrestre • 23. Summer of El Futuro • 24. Summer of Super No Entiendo 64 • 25. Summer of La Excavacion • 26. Summer of La Pijamada • 27. Summer of Imi-Tater • 28. Summer of Ignacio |